Thursday, October 27, 2011

Marijuana Brownies, anyone?

Marijuana Brownies

Princess recently got a job working for a local retail store.  Two weeks into her employment she was faced with an ethical dilemma.  One of the girls got angry with the boss and told her Princess she was gonna bring some brownies to work "to get the boss high", but not to worry she'd be sure to only "doctor up" 3 of the brownies and the rest would be "ok to eat". 

Now, what to do? 

Does Princess tell the boss or simply keep quiet so said girl won't know she "ratted" on her?  She had two days to think about it before her next time scheduled to work.  She stepped up and told the boss, only to be told the boss had been warned of the same thing by three other girls who worked there.  There are many lessons to be learned when one works and I think Princess just learned her first one...Now the rest of the story...

The offender was scolded and allowed to keep her job.
(she actually had not brought the brownies yet)
What do you think about this?

Just FYI, when I clicked on photos for "Brownies"
the photo I showed was one of the first to pop up,
complete with the recipe for the Marijuana Brownie
and also Marijuana Crisps.

This surprised me.


Mindy said...

Letting kids grow up isn't fun, is it? Because the world is so bad. Sometimes, it doesn't take much to let your light shine. If you don't smoke, drink or swear as a kid, you just made a HUGE statement. May your beautiful Princess have the grace and strength to continue to let her light shine!

Aloha Acres said...

Yikes! That must have been a very hard two days for your girl.

Susan said...

Decisions like this are never easy. She will have to make judgement calls so often in life. Do you ever wonder if it was a test to see how people would respond? There is a television show based on these types of things. They say art imitates life. Tell her to keep doing her best. What else can a person do?

Mari said...

Good for Princess for speaking up. I can't believe that girl wasn't fired. I would never trust her again!

Just Stuff From a Boomer said...

I am sad to say that I have found working with a group of women (of all ages) to be a constant battlefield. You would thing we would have each others back instead of stabbing each other there. After all we have done to improve our workplace experience, we are still stepping on our own toes.

Handsome's wife said...

I'm curious as to what kind of work it is. Not sure I would trust that girl in regards to customers. What if she gets mad at them? I wonder if she was just "talking big" and didn't really plan to bring them? It's tricky but Princess did the right thing, even though I'm sure it was hard on her.

Rhona said...

She had a tough call there but she did the right thing. It's not easy being out in the workplace when you're young though and how will she feel about working with this colleague now! Tell her to stay true to what she feels is right even though sometimes it's a difficult road to follow. x

CalamityJr said...

Good for princess! She's making difficult choices the right way now, which should help ease her decisions in the future.

Marsha Young said...

What a lesson. Must have been hard for you, too, watching her deliberate.

Good for both of you! :)

Cheri said...

People get so angry anymore and it sounds like "that" girl was all talk. I think your daughter did the right thing and with 3 other employees telling the boss was good back up for Princess. It's tough being an adult.

Anonymous said...

What a sad state this world is in! The picture of brownies and the recipe?! I hope Princess isn't too discouraged. She did the right thing even though she probably doesn't know the entire story of what the boss said or what her file shows. Hang in there!

Joyce said...

Gosh parenting is hard, isn't it? And being a teenager is pretty darn difficult too. I think she did the right thing-look at the reverse...what if she hadn't said anything and the girl had brought the brownies? How would that have made her feel? I think she learned to do what she knows in her heart is right and sometimes that will be rewarded and sometimes not.

I guess the girl kept her job because she hadn't actually done anything but I think in a nutshell this is a big part of what is wrong in society today. I will not get on a soapbox. But I could : )

My Mind's Eye said...

These are teenagers right?
Boy the things they face nowadays is astounding...
Hugs C

Chatty Crone said...

Yeah for your daughter - the boss ought to be proud of her and she should be proud of herself. Oh yeah - you should be proud of her two - she did the right thing and she told you! sandie

Jeanie said...

It sounds like you have a Princess to be proud of. I'm sure it must have been really hard for her to do what she knew was the right thing. It was good that it worked out the way it did.

NanaDiana said...

Glad Princess came to the right conclusion..and I'm sure she agonized over the situation, didn't she? Now she knows that she was not the only one trying to do "the right thing". xo Diana

yaya said...

That girl will probably move on to another job in the near future. She'll either finally get fired or she'll just be gone. However, your daughter will have her good sense and strong ethics with her for a lifetime. She will go far. You must be very proud of her!

Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

Good for the Princess! I know you must be very proud of her.

Bobbie said...

You must be proud of Princess! She be good people... you all raised her well.
It's a crazy world we live in...

I Wonder Wye said...

Your Princess passed her integrity test -- as to that co-worker, well, it takes all kinds, but she didn't have a good upbringing, did she?

bj said...

GOOD GRIEF...bless her heart..I'm glad she told the boss...

Janie Fox said...

I am glad she told. hat other girl is in for some trouble I'd guess. Your daughter was wise to speak up.

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Goodness just when I think I have heard it all.
She of course did the right thing but boy I know it drove her crazy trying to figure it out.
Can't believe this girl still has her job. Wow I would not trust her with a ten foot pole.
Now where did you say you got that recipe. lol

Joy Tilton said...

Sounds like Princess has some pretty good co-workers. The real world is an ugly place so good thing she's got a backbone and morals to live by. Can't believe that girl kept her job... yes I can, my husband works in HR and it's almost impossible to fire someone these days, no matter what they do :(

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