Friday, April 27, 2012

"IT" Revealed.

                     What Good Sports you are               
for all your "creative" guesses
about "IT"!
Here is how the guesses have panned out:

Hand Mixer           3 vote
Alarm Clark         1 vote
Coffee Maker        4 vote
Alarm Clock           1 vote  
  Birthday Card        2 vote 
    Hair/blower/Dryer      3 vote       
      Reading Glasses      1 vote      
Many great guesses,
but alas, they are all

This is "IT",
The Canon S95
I read lots of reviews about
lots of cameras and soon came
to realize that no one likes everything
on any one camera.  Then, it began
to get confusing.  A decision needed to be
made, and this is what I choose.

This will be my 4th camera in less than
four years
(*blush).I lost one.
I broke one.
The camera I got for Christmas this year
has photos on it which it refuses to upload
onto the computer.

I'm optimistically sure
this camera is gonna be
a camera I love.

(fingers-crossed for luck)





Mari said...

"It's" a good thing!

Bobbie said...

Good luck with 'it'!

marejohn said...

Good Luck! At one time that probably would have been a thought, but I have begun taking pictures with my phone almost exclusively (ya, I'm THAT person)
I love photography but life just kind of got in the way...
I hope you love your new camera, it always seems to take just a little bit to get really "friendly" with a new one..
Looking forward to many great pix!

Anonymous said...

ha, a camera!!!! Thats a good one too!ours takes an amazing pictures without the flash, easy to use as well, I have this one, it was an easter pressie,

Jeanie said...

I will be looking forward to hearing how you like it. I really need a new camera....and I'm more than willing to take someone else's advice about what to get.

*Reading Between the Lines* said...

And a camera is sooooo important! At least @ my house.;~)
Hope the camera is a "fit" for you.
Take care,

Just Stuff From a Boomer said...

Nope, wouldn't have guessed that. I feel naked without a camera so I can understand your need for one. I also feel betrayed if it doesn't work right. Hope this one is around for a while and we get to benefit from it.

Unknown said...

Exciting! It's been a long time since I've gotten a new camera. I have a Rebel XTi DSLR. I really like it! I need more lenses though! LOL Have fun trying IT out!

NanaDiana said...

Hey! You forgot I said COMPUTER!;>) lol I am not a very good camera person either- don't ask! Good luck! xo Diana

Joy Tilton said...

Well, I missed the guessing... I'm always late for the party! I've been thinking about a new camera, a smaller one but I hate to give up my big zoom lens. Change is hard for old people!

yaya said...

Duh..I should have guessed since I have 3 cameras that don't work, one old instamatic and my new one that I'm still trying to figure out how not to take blurry shots...Hope your new one is marvelous!

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