Sunday, February 19, 2012

Date with a Geek

I have a date with a Geek.
He'll be here on Tuesday to fix the mess I have made of my computer. I "clicked" on something I shouldn't. The message said I had been infected by a Trojan virus and it would scan and clean my computer. It lied and gave me a virus instead. Boo Hoo!
(I'm crying into my SWEET TEA!)

So many things I want to tell you, but since The only access I have to my Blog is through my ipad, any posts I make will be "naked", as in wearing no photos.

Please do go visit "JUST BETWEEN ME AND YOU".


Sweet Maggie invited me to be her guest there.
I don't want her to think I have no friends,
So PLEASE go see what earth-shaking info I shared with her. She's great fun so you'll probably want to FOLLOW her. Just sayin. . .

Till then, I'll be here with my naked Blog
waiting for the Computer Geek to show for our date.


My Mind's Eye said...

I'm so sorry...computer stuff is so scary especially when you are a no techie like me.
Good luck
Hugs Madi and MOm

Anonymous said...

sorry to hear about the infection, darn trojans.
I will go visit right now.
enjoy your date, hopefully its productive.

Rhona said...

Oh dear! Hope he gets it all sorted for you - fortunately I have my own IT man at home to fix any messes I make xx

GerryART said...

date with a geek
naked blog

Hi, Maggie sent me.

Just finished reading just this most recent post but wanted you to know I read your post and decided to take a look for myself.


Kimmy said...

Oh bummer!!! We had that happen to us years ago. Not fun and stressful all at the same time. Good luck!

Tracy said...

I loved meeting you via Maggie's blog...she is a good friend and hey, if she thinks you are great, then so do I! Actually...I loved your comments you made on her blog; a wonderful sense of humor and isn't that how we get through life? At least I do!

Jeanie said...

Thank goodness for Geeks. I'm not saying that I may not be geeky...just not in the computer smarts sort of way. I am really grateful for those who are.

Chatty Crone said...

I'm sorry for the infections - don't believe those pop ups. sandie

yaya said...

Heck, at first I thought it said "Date with a Greek"..hahahah! Being Greek all I could think was, "I hope he brings baklava!" Now I hope you get everything all fixed..I'm heading over to my friend Maggie's blog and see what great things you've shared!

Annesphamily said...

Darn viruses and computer hackers! Ugh! Good luck with the clean up! I need to visit Maggie so off I will go shortly.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Good luck getting your computer virus free! I'll go now and check out Maggie's blog.

JaneT said...

Can't find a place to email you. I am in Sabine Parish in NW Louisiana. Are you nearby?

Debbiedoos said...

That just stinks. At least your date will fix it!

Joy Tilton said...

Isn't that the pits, I hate it when that happens. You are at risk everytime you get online. We have Norton Suite, bought it at Sam's Club and for 6.99 extra they give us a PowerWash feature that I can click and do myself anytime we get infected. It works like magic, no more Geek Squad at $99 a pop!

Unknown said...

That stinks!! Hope the geek can fix it!

Jill said...

Hope your computer gets taken care of and is back up and running soon!
Have a wonderful week!


Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Honey get yourself dressed before he does show up. hahaha
Just wanted to let you know that I have your awesome post on my site but I see you have already been there. lol
So very sorry about your computer.
I hope the issue is solved soon.
Glad my friends have come over and met you. You will love them like I do

karen said...

I hope it's the best date ever! New beginnings and a squeaky clean computer!

nancygrayce said...

Oh, I have learned to be so scared of clicking links! I have to wait for my son to help me when I mess up my computer (his old hand me down) and he's awfully busy!

Sush said...

UGH, I hate when computers get a virus. I hope your date goes well and is very cheap!

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