Thursday, September 3, 2015

I'm smiling because. . .

Little Gentry is 18 days old today!
She is our early Christmas present.
We didn't expect to see her sweet face until Dec. 1.
She is doing VERY well.
Thank you so very much to those of you who have prayed for her and Lil' Mama.  Gentry is very much our miracle baby and we'll never forget it!

And our other miracle, our son who had a stroke.  The stroke was the worst kind, according to google.  A hemorrhagic stroke.  Many people don't survive these.  Not only did he survive but doctors say he will make a full recovery.
"Hallelujah! Amen!"
Mister is still in Atlanta with him.  

In the meantime HK and I are holding down the homefront.  Her newest trick is being able to reach the light switches.  She switches them on and I follow her around and switch them off.  If you decide to visit me it'll be easy to find our house - we'll be the one with our porch light on in the middle of the day.

I've not shared much about our new-to-us home.
This is my favorite part - the view!
The entire back of our house is primarily windows and I absolutely LOVE seeing the sun and all things green.  So glad we moved in the Summer so I could enjoy the seasons finery.

Another part of the view.  Love the crinkly, curly bark of this birch tree.

Still, as much as I enjoy my new place I must admit I find myself thinking about Louisiana, my adopted home state.  I'm thinking my yellow mums must be in bloom now and I bet my roses are on their 3rd bloom of the season.  I guess I miss them because I planted them myself.  I wish whomever planted all the things at this house could know that I'm appreciating and enjoying all the fruits of their labor. 
* * * * * * * * * * * *

Now, this is totally off subject, but I'm gonna throw this in for free.  LOOK at this photo of the freezer in my fridge.  Do you see it?  WHAT?  Doesn't everyone have a "hot flash fan" in their freezer?  NO?  I'm a freakin' genius!!  When I have a hot flash melt down I now run to my freezer and turn on my "hot flash fan" (it's battery operated) and I get instant refrigerated air.  It's great!! 
Yes, you heard it here first!  It's fantastic!  LOL  

This is Sweet Tea, just keepin' it real.
Over & Out!


Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Bless Little Gentry and all of her/your family. Prayers and Hugs.

Linda said...

YOU are adorable!!!
Parise God for your miracles! Little Gentry is perfect!! I know 3 pounds is a huge milestone!
God has been so good to YOU!!! I am so happy to see you posting again!! I know you have been busy! I think of you often....

Tammy said...

I'm so glad that the baby is doing well and your son is recovering and doing well too. What a blessing and what a testament that prayer does work. I've thought of you a lot and prayed for your family. So much all at one time, it's a miracle you haven't simply broken down at this point and gone to hide. I will continue to pray for you and by the way your new home views are gorgeous. Big hugs sweet lady!!

Nonnie said...

Praising God for His goodness and mercy to your sweet family. So thankful for what He is doing and what a testimony you have to tell. Miracles! Nothing is impossible with our God. Happy birthday to sweet Gentry. So glad about Tate. And super that you have a ray of sunshine through your windows and in your house - meaning that cute little ray of sunshine who messes with light switches. So, I'm avoiding the J word because with all that greenery out your windows, I might be a little "green" with envy. I love trees!

MunirGhiasuddin said...

God Bless little Gentry and God Bless the new Mama nd your entire family. Ameen.

yaya said...

So happy for your family! God is good and has blessed you all. Gentry is beautiful and I will continue to keep your family in my prayers! Enjoy the Fall season in your new place. I'm sure you'll plant more flowers of your own there too!

Bobbie said...

Thanks for the update! I pray every day for your son and for Lil Mama and new baby :-) This is awesome news!! Love the view at your new place. Hope you all are settling in nicely.

Jill said...

What a beautiful baby and smile! Will be praying for momma, baby and for your son! My goodness you have been going through a lot. My heart goes out to you! I have to say I absolutely LOVE the fan comment at the end, priceless, I shared with my husband and you had us both laughing out loud and I'm getting one of those fans, lol ;-) Hope you are having a great weekend!


Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Deb I have been catching up with you this morning and honey you have certainly gone through a lot in the last few months. I will most definitely add you and your family to my prayer list. I do know the power of prayer!
Great news that both your son and this adorable little Gentry are both doing very well. I am glad that Mister is with your son. I know that is a huge Blessing to your son. I am so glad he is recovering and will come back often to check on him and this newest addition to your beautiful family.
I had to laugh about finding your home with your lovely granddaughter keeping the lights on. She is too cute and I am sure full of adventures just waiting to happen.
Glad too that your enjoying your new home. The view is lovely and I know it is quite a difference in Oklahoma and Louisiana but in time you will meet lots of new friends and make so many new memories in your life.
I have missed you and blogging and hope to start up again but can not make promises that I will. Right now I am enjoying the good days I am in.

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