Sunday, August 31, 2014


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"Twas the night afternoon before September
and all through the house
not a creature was stirring...

...they were all Napping!"
(Yes, I even hear some snoring
among our ranks.)

I've opted to stay awake and bemoan the fact that this is really the last day of Summer.  Once September arrives "it's all over".  Forget the Flip Flops, the Beach, the Lemonade. It's time to say goodbye to Summer 2014.  

Woe is me!
*sniff  *sniff

Yes, I live in the south.
Yes, it's still gonna be hot here for quite a while.
Still, the air smells different, and that means summer has gone,
but don't worry about me.
I'll get over it.
Heck, by the end of May 2015
I'll be back to my good time Summer ways!

Only 274 more days!


Wild Oregonian said...

I love how you and I have so many things in common and so many differences too. I'm all "Bye Summer! Don't let the door hitya on the way out!"
I love the change to fall and yes, I can smell it in the air too!

nancygrayce said...

I wear my flip flops until its so cold my feet start complaining!!!

Nonnie said...

Definitely a certain smell in the air and I can always tell by the way the shadows look in the afternoon with the days getting shorter. The weather has been very pleasant this summer in Texas. But I'm good with Fall and wish it lasted longer. However, it makes me sad to see another year disappearing so quickly.

Anonymous said...

oh I know, it is so sad and you are sooo right, September 1st, its all over,,,the end.

Jackie See said...

We are sad to see it go! I like the cooler temperatures of fall though and it's pretty colors. But I dread the dark and brown/grey that stays so long in winter here in southwest Missouri! Did I hear right? Does the clock turn back soon? Ugh!

Linda said...

YOU embrace summer while I embrace Fall! I love that we BOTH get our favorite season once a year - no matter what!! My Amber loves summer but even SHE is looking forward to fall this time around!

Jeanie said...

I love fall, but also hate to say goodbye to summer. Mostly I am shocked by how fast all the seasons seem to fly by these day.

acorn hollow said...

Well I live in the north and when they say the end they mean it. We will get a warm day here and there. but the trees are changing the air is dryer and crisper and my time to wear snow boots are just around the corner boo hoo.

Haddock said...

I never counted that way. 274 days .....
Seasons come and seasons go and we just sail through :-)

NanaDiana said...

I am back around but NOT ready to give summer over quite yet. We had such a short, weird weather summer -this year. I feel like it bypassed us almost completely.

Have a great Labor Day- xo Diana

Tammy said...

I hope by the time I get to the south in October it's cooled off, but not so much that I can't still wear my flip flops. I love fall for the warm days and cool nights. I think it's my favorite season. Hugs!

Aloha Acres said...

I know exactly how you feel. When people ask me if I miss "the seasons", maybe for a day. Then I put my flip flops on, smile and get over it. :D

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