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Sunday, August 31, 2014
Posted by Sweet Tea at 5:14 PM 12 comments
Monday, August 25, 2014
~author unknown
Posted by Sweet Tea at 9:14 PM 7 comments
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Oh the Things You'll See. . .
As planned, we made the trip to Tulsa and enjoyed and nice long weekend. Nice person that I am, I shared the tummy bug I'd had previously, with Mister, soooooo one of the days we were in Tulsa we spent to ourselves, so as not to spread the nasty tummy bug with others. (Perhaps I have just written the longest, run-on sentence in the history of blogging! You're quite welcome.) We spent our quarantined day in the car driving around the town we once called home. Lots of changes we noticed, as well as some amusing things along the way. It's absolutely amazing what one can find when driving randomly for hours.
Posted by Sweet Tea at 2:26 PM 11 comments
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Sometimes blogging serves as my therapy.
Today is one of those days.
You've been warned.
Doctor: So, Ms. Sweet Tea, what seems to be bothering you today?
Sweet Tea: Let's begin with the fact that my toe is
we're going on a road trip next week to see lots of our extended family to celebrate a carload of birthdays and meet our newest little "grand niece" (my term) and to take my Mom for an extended visit with my sister.
Doctor: So Ms. Tea, those sound like happy occasions, so why the long face?
Sweet Tea: Doctor, you know I hate road trips, but even putting that aside, my Mom finds the process of going for a visit both bitter & sweet. She likes the thought of visiting my Sister, but also feels that neither of us "want her". This breaks my heart. Everyone tells me that we must have breaks from time to time since we are full time Caregivers. I know that's right, but it makes for guilt on my part. . .Once Mom knows she is going for a visit she begins to over think it and obsess, like dementia patients do. Then the constant barrage of questions and insinuations begin. Over and over and over and over...Did I mention that my toe is in a vice? Well, it feels like it...Mom doesn't understand that she has dementia and that the court has ruled that she must live with me and have extended visits with my sister periodically. This ruling allows her to stay out of a nursing home. Doctor, she views us (my sister and I) as mean children who won't let her live in her home. Of course there is a part of me which wants desperately to reason/explain to her what the issues are. Perhaps she'd feel differently if she could understand, but that's just it. She can't understand or reason, so this will go on for the entire next week until she actually arrives at my Sisters. *sigh* I love my Mom and it's so frustrating that she can't see that. . .Thanks for listening, Doc, I feel so much better just getting to vent a bit...Perhaps I forgot to mention that my toe ACHES.
Doctor: Ms. Sweet Tea, take some Ibuprofen and quit whining about your toe.
You.Big.Baby. You have friends who are battling cancer and there are people in an Atlanta hospital with Ebola.
Sweet Tea: Oh, Doctor, I wanted to talked to you about the goofball who decided to bring Ebola into our country. I'm worried about that too.
Doctor: Ms. Tea, your time is up.
Posted by Sweet Tea at 4:03 PM 14 comments