Wednesday, January 29, 2014

"Weather Guilt"

I've got friends in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Chicago, and one in Canada. Our youngest son lives in Atlanta, GA.  I know they're dealing with treacherous weather conditions which in turn makes for some very dangerous driving/walking issues and very expensive heating bills. I feel badly for all of them, as well as for you, if you're in the midst of weather problems.

Living in our area of LA means we almost NEVER have to deal with winter weather issues.            I'M.SO.GLAD.  
I feel a bit of  "Weather Guilt" as I look out my window and see sunshine, and only need grab a lightweight jacket to go out, even in the evenings.  Sooooooo, I'm gonna  ease my Weather Guilt  post a few photos which I hope will make you smile, even if you're completely gob-smack in the middle of a blizzard.

Do you recognize these pesky blooms?

Here is a close up.
It's a pesky weed.

All the dark greens in this bed
don't belong here.  
Yep, weeds.  (the legal kind)

It's still January and I already need to weed  the garden beds.  That's one thing you don't have to do if you're dealing with snow!   I admit it's a bit of a stretch to think you'd be cheered by photos of spring weeds when you're dealing with all-things-frozen and frigid temps, but hang on tight, 'cause if I've got spring weeds it means that Spring will eventually find you.

(BTW, when it's 110* in the shade this Summer,
I'll be expecting you to cheer me on.)


Nonnie said...

Ugh!!! Those weeds are one of the reasons I like fall and winter (our milder winters).

When spring comes, I will enjoy the flowers and the warm temps that caress, but not looking forward to that 110 degree weather. Please, please, hoping that this very cold winter will mean a milder summer for us.

NanaDiana said...

LOL- The way this is going we will probably be at 110 degrees this summer, too. You go weed, girl!!!! xo Diana

Jeanie said...

Compared to other parts of the country we don't have much to complain about in Colorado this year...and at least we know how to deal with snow when it comes. Enjoy your warm weather and sunshine and even your weeds without guilt. It gives us all hope that spring will indeed return.

SouthLakesMom said...

It will be -2 here in the DC suburbs tonight, and I comfort myself with the thought that the woodpeckers have stopped hammering on the house. That's either because all the bugs are dead, or the wood is frozen!

And no, I do NOT ride a bike in this kind of cold. IT doesn't matter how nicely cleared the paths and roads are!

Linda said...

I have been feeling teh same way!! BUT 'Summer' is coming!!!!

Mari said...

Thanks for the warm cheer. It's crazy where I live and I can't wait for Spring.

Chatty Crone said...

I am in Atlanta - no words needed!

yaya said...

My brother lives in Atlanta and dealing with snow shouldn't bother him since we grew up in Chicago! Our temps were 20 below this morning but had warmed up to 15 above by noon...and it was sunny! I wish all this super freeze would mean no weeds at all in the spring, but weeds survive no matter what! I envy you picking weeds in Jan. but then I guess it's our choice to live up north so we get what winter doles out to us! Stay safe down there and enjoy a weed (the legal kind!) for me!

Terra said...

You are my "weather guilt" sister, I must tell you. I live in California too. I am praying for rain!

Anonymous said...

Take care of yourself in this cold climate.

Wild Oregonian said...

I think those weeds are called goose bill. Pretty purple flowers and tiered leaves- they kind of vine out?

You and I live in the right places. I am so glad for you living in a warm place but oh, my, I love this snow we've had. I would be ecstatic if we got another foot! Washington state is a little more prepared for snow than Atlanta, so when it come down, nothing happens except that G and I are more careful walking to work.

Happy, happy, happy for you!

Tammy said...

ugh, weeds already something about that sucks as much as snow and ice. We get that hot in the summer too, but lucky for us, very little humidity, so I will be feeling bad for you then!! Hugs.

Debby Ray said...

Those sure are some beautiful weeds! That was the title of my first blog post when I started it last summer. Some of my favorite flowers are actually weeds :)

Sandra said...

I actually miss Arizona for the heat, now that I'm here in Idaho and dealing with the constant ice/snow/freezing temps, I'm ready to see some spring LOL

Mindy said...

My husband travels for work, and purposely planned all his January trips for the SE corner of the US to avoid the Chicago/MPLS storms he has experienced in the past. He ended up right in the middle of the Atlanta storm! Every day I reminded him it was 50 in WA and that I was doing yard work. But, then again, when the rest of the world has summer, it will still be just barely above 50 here...

Bobbie said...

Awwww... I don't know what to say. Okay... let me try... Shame.On.You for showing off your flowers n weeds and such. (Just kidding) All of our flowers/weeds/grass/sidewalks/roads are covered in snow today as we had a storm here today and everything closed. But seriously, I am happy for you and any others who do not have to put up with this white stuff and the cold. 110 degrees? I think I'll take the snow... haha! How are you doing with WW?

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