Tuesday, September 6, 2011

And that little piggy went to the movie. . .

Spoiler Alert: This post is a bit of a rant.
Each of us should be entitled to an
occasional rant, don't you think?!

Mister and I went to see a movie.

The movie drew a somewhat older crowd . . .
not one single child in the mix.

As we left the theater we saw we had
been among pigs.
Popcorn was strewn everywhere
and drink cups and trash
were left at the seats;
the theater was basically left a

It's hard not to be judgemental.
We find it surprising that adults find it
acceptable to throw food on the floor.
Just sayin. . .

I'm wondering if this is the case
in most areas,
or is it just in our locale?


Lisa said...

How weird! Maybe someone knocked a popcorn over accidentally?

We don't go to that many movies lately - we usually just rent something and watch it at home. But I don't think I've ever noticed that. What movie did you see?

Chatty Crone said...

I have to say that we keep things pretty clean here - I always take mine!

Aloha Acres said...

I know!! AND I always make it a point to show my boys what a mess people leave behind for "someone else to clean up". I hope and pray I've taught them better. Girl, you've hit on a bit pet peeve of mine!

BTW, I am also so OCD about this, we take baggies with us to ball games to put peanut shells in. Keep it neat, people! ;)

Jill of All Trades said...

Oh, I know what you mean. Makes me crazy. I dont' even spit my gum out on the ground as I see all the time. I even taught my girls that when you try on clothes in the dressing room you hang them back on the hangers. Hate the mess some people leave.

My Mind's Eye said...

Unfortunately we see that here too.
All theaters have huge trash cans as you exit but we find many folks leave trash in and around their seats. Same thing at the mall where we walk every morning. Today we saw used cups and trash on many benches which were just a few feet away from the trash cans. FOLKS ARE LAZY
Madi and Mom

Anonymous said...

No, it is true here too! I can't believe how adults act. Like they were raised with wolves!

karen said...

I know what you mean - we always take our trash out with us. One time, though- I accidently spilled popcorn all over the place. When we left, I was horrified to see that one of the theatre cleaners was the son of a friend of mine. I had to Facebook her and have her apologize to her son for me for being such a pig. ACK - I was so embarrassed!

Unknown said...

Just one more reason why I don't go to the movies.

NanaDiana said...

It's not too bad here-this is a pretty conservative area and I think most of us are pretty "green" and clean~

People like that do spoil it for others though-xo Diana

Anonymous said...

I've noticed this and talked to many theater employees. We all agree the older audiences battle only the young kid audiences for the title of messiest and laziest. Teenage crowds are clean by comparison...

yaya said...

My very first job was candy girl in a movie theater..and I loved it. I think people think you're suppose to leave the trash there..don't ask me why. I was always glad I sold the candy and the usher guys (back then we had ushers) had to do the clean up! That was 150yrs. ago BTW and it seems that nothing has changed in movie theaters all around the world!

Ellie said...

I know where you are coming from - I don't go to the cinema much any more, it's too expensive for one thing. I usually just get DVD's and sit in the comfort of my own home. You are right about the mess - what makes people do that - I don't understand it.

Mari said...

This is one of my pet peeves as well! People leave messes in other places too, like they think their Mother is going to pick up for them. Very frustrating!

Just Stuff From a Boomer said...

Looks like everyone agrees with you. Me Too! People can be pigs.

I was a retail store manager in a high end women's store that was known for prom dresses and evening wear. More women than not, dropped these gowns on the floor when they were done. One customer came up to the cashier and told her that the woman in the next fittingroom would not take her child to the pottie and told the little one (about 3) to pee on the floor!! She did and I found it.

Karen Whittal said...

I think it has to do with respect and this is something that people do not seem to bother about anymore. But you taking yours will make a difference........ so I do it because I want to be that better person

Janie Fox said...

HI!!I came over to check you out! Theaters are usually pretty dirty but nothing bugs me more than a clogged toilet that women continue to use...so gross. I have seen it at craft/ antique fairs and at ballgames. I always exit and say women are pigs ...

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