Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Back-to-School. Sort of.

Princess and me at the Glenwood Tea Room;
our annual back-to-school tradition.

Next Monday
Aug 2, 2010
Our first day ever to homeschool.
(if someone had told me I'd ever do this
I would not have believed them)

It is scary!


Dawn Parsons Smith said...

I've been a homeschool mom for the last 6 years and LOVE IT! You will do great! Just go with the flow!


I wish you tons of luck with homeschooling. My friends that do it love it. You know you might want to use blogging as a form of journaling for the English aspect of this...give her a topic and have her write. I would be glad to read it....I taught English for a bazillion years.

Robin said...

I will definitely be thinking and praying for you! I know you are sacrificing a lot for your baby girl! KUDOS to you!!


chocolatecovereddaydreams.blogspot.com said...

What a great tradition! As you know, I'll be cheering you on! Do what comes natural for you and Princess. Have fun while learning! This is going to be a wonderful experience for you both.

Mary said...

I have a feeling you're going to do great. And just think...you're not having to sit through boring inservices with people acting like you know NOTHING!
Thanks for the 'rita...I sure could use it right about now! :D

SusanD said...

You're going to be an awesome home schooling mom/teacher. You're creative, funny, smart, and gracious. There are tons of resources out there for you too. Do you read PW? Check out her home schooling discussions and materials. I'm sure you'll come away encouraged. Blessings, SusanD


BTW, I'm having a giveaway. Be sure to stop by and enter.

Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

Thanks for all your wonderful comments on my Greek posts! It was a wonderful trip -- the food -- the people -- the sights -- THE FOOD!!!! I hope your new adventure will be a great experience for both of you. She'll know that you're doing everything in your power to help her succeed. Good luck!

Mom24 said...

Just goes to show we Mamas will do anything for our kidlets. What a fun tradition. I hope school goes really well for both of you.

I admire you.

Joyce said...

Best of luck with the homeschooling...I'm sure you'll do great. I love the skydiving picture analogy...scary but also thrilling : )

KTW said...

I am sure that you will do a FANTASTIC job homeschooling your princess! :) She's a lucky girl to have a mom who loves her so much.

Jill of All Trades said...

Oh gosh, good luck. I could never have done that and our youngest asked many times. I could not even help with the homework because we would ALL get so frustrated. Not that I didn't undertand but that she didn't and wouldn't. Again, GOOD LUCK!

Anonymous said...

You can do it!

Unknown said...

I admire all homeschool parents! i just dont have it in me....bravo to you!

From the Kitchen said...

How could I resist stopping by a blog called "Sweet Tea". I am a southern girl transplanted to the midwest where they get a distressed look on their face when one asks for sweet tea!


Jill said...

I get the whole skydiving analogy! I felt the same way when I first started homeschooling.

Wait. I still feel that way sometimes!

Connie said...

I have never homeschooled but I know some great gals who are doing it and they are going it very well.
Thanks for stoping by my blog the other day - I'm anxious to get to know you better.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Girl, you'll do great and there are so very many support systems out there that are willing to help. I love your back to school tradition...tea with your daughter...sweet!!!

God bless ya and have a fantastic school year!

Jewel said...

We started homeschooling when our DS was the 4th grade and I NEVER thought I would ever be homeschooling either! And it was a bit overwhelming the first year but after getting to know some other home school moms and families, I learned to relax, trust myself and the Lord, and we did it!
Looking back...our son is 23 now...it is one of the best decision we've ever made! And what wonderful memories we have from those years!
You will do great, ST! You will!! I'll be praying for you and Princess!!! ((HUGS))

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