Some of the natural BEAUTY of Hawaii.
No words necessary.
Did we really need to see this?
However, it seems they are quite proud of
this in Hawaii.
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"Poi", anyone?
I'd heard of this native food.
It doesn't taste bad. It doesn't taste good.
It really has no taste, IMO.
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My husband being "lei'd" right before my eyes.
We paid $35 for a "lei greeting"...
I envisioned a beautiful, young, Hawaiian
girl doing the honors; instead we got a
stout, middle-aged woman bearing
flowers. LOL
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I bought this "special" dress to wear
to the Luau.
*Remember* this dress.
I will post about this dress
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Look closely at this beautiful plant.
It is called the Native Hawaiian Penis Plant.
I don't know what the locals call it,
but that's what my husband named it.
Look at the protrusion in the middle
of the plant. *giggle
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"Barney Purple Bread"
We were served this several times.
Poi is a part of the recipe for this
dinner bread, which give it the
purple color. It tastes exactly
like a typical good yeast roll.
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Crazed Louisiana Hula Wanna-Be
after "the dress incident".
Obviously she had been
* * * * * * * * *
Check out this Tour Guide's EAR!!
It flips up...have you ever seen such a thing???
I don't think the photo really does it
justice...My husband thinks I became
obcessed with this guy's ear, but
we Bloggers live for this kind of stuff, huh?!
* * * * * * * * *
I've LOVED re-living these moments,
the Beauty...and the Beastly,
as I shared them with you.
Thanks for comin' along for the ride!