I'm not asking you to get excited about seeing a corner of my living room floor, but I'm showing it to you as a point of reference. Got it? Of course you do!
Life has been messy on a personal level for several months now. Though we've lived in our new-to-us house for four months I just now feel like I'm really getting acquainted with it. Gotta say the better I get to know it the more I enjoy it. I guess most relationships are like that...
Last week I had an entire day set aside to fluff the house. First thing on my list was to make these wood floors sparkle. I had my cleaner, a mop, and a bucket. I worked and it shined. I took my time and was careful not to miss a spot...I moved on to some other things while the floor dried. Went back to admire my work on the floor, but it wasn't quite dry...Came back again and it was drier, but something was WRONG. The floor looked nice but it felt extremely STICKY.
I looked at my bottle of cleaner and much to my surprise I had used a product intended for wood FURNITURE, not wood floors. UGH! So, I mopped that *&%# darn floor 3 more times trying to get the sticky up. At last it was all gone, but what was left behind was a floor as slick as glass.
Two of my older granddolls were here last week.
They had lots of fun doing their Tom Cruise, "Risky Business" slide across the floor in their socks. Me? I bought some new house shoes with a good traction sole. That's how I roll, errrr, slide. NOT!