Sometimes getting confirmation of something you've only suspected can be very upsetting, especially when the changes happen over time and are gradual. At first I thought it was just my imagination working overtime, but perhaps it was a simple case of Denial. Like it really matters anyway. Now.
What "is" IS the reality.
No matter how much I deny it.
No matter how much I wish it wasn't so. . .
Today my Dishwasher took it's last bubbly gasp of Cascade. . .and DIED!!
It left me a broken woman,
with a sink full of dirty dishes.
Sobbing into my dishcloth.
(I know I need to get a grip.)
Don't believe for a minute that dishwater is good
for your hands.
It's a Myth. A Lie.
A total Fabrication.
Here's the brutal truth of a household
without a Dishwasher.
Thinking back to when I was a kid and my Mom did dishes by hand after every meal. Can you even imagine doing that now? I do not long for "the good ol' days". If it comes to a matter of doing without either Toilet Paper or my beloved Dishwasher - it's gonna be a tough call for me.
My Mom used to have a set of Copper Bottom Cookware.
Have you seen these?
They require constant maintanance after each use to keep their shiney bottoms "coppery". It is beyond my comprehension as to why anyone would want these things, but they were quite the "thang" in their day. I don't know if Mom still has these but if that should be the case, "no thank you very much" you can pass these beauties on to my Sister!
My husband, God bless him, said we can go buy a new Dishwasher tomorrow. But who wants to wrestle with the Christmas shoppers if it's not an emergency. I've decided to "rough it" and eat out all weekend, then I'll buy the Dishwasher Monday when there should be less shoppers.
Which kind to buy?
It doesn't have to be a Cadillac,
just a good, solid, reliable workhorse of a Dishwasher.
Got any ideas?
I'd love some suggestions.
BTW, could you pass the hand lotion please.