Sunday, September 23, 2012

To the left of Happy

Mister and I are both trying to find that something special that will make us feel happy again.  These are difficult days.  Yesterday he said we were "not going to sit home" like we did last Saturday.  So we got in the car and he just began to drive - no thought of where we were actually going...We ended up in Leesville, La, about 3+ hours from home.  Ironically, Fort Polk Army Base is located there.  This is where Mister took his basic training for the National Guard many years ago.  We drove to the entrance of the camp and were given a visitor's pass and allowed to go onto the base.  It turned out to be a very interesting, restful, day.  I had never been there and Mister had not been there since he left way back when.

Mister @ Ft. Polk

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Our life continues to be very bizarre.
Most days bring a new 'punch" of some type.
Bad news knocks us down, but it doesn't seem to
keep us down quite as long as it did at first.
Most of you write happy blogs and I enjoy
reading them, especially since my life is
to the left of happy at the moment.
I take joy in being able to live vicariously
through your sunny days.

Bloggy ((HUGS)) to each of you
and a special thank you for staying with
my blog, even when it is not a happy read.


Mary said...

We all have to stick together through thick & thin, right?

Shelly said...

I;m so glad you both were able to get ourt and visit there. Hang in there, my friend. Better days are coming. Big hugs to you~

My Mind's Eye said...

OH MY WORD...I THOUGHT YOU WERE STILL ON A BREAK UNTIL YOU LEFT YOUR COMMENT TODAY. So I came to catch up...Sweet Tea and Mister are not happy...what in the world...so I read backwards. OH MY GOODNESS MY HEART ACHES FOR YOU IN SO MANY WAYS....I CANNOT EVEN SAY. What in the world is wrong with those people. I don't know the details but that is wrong on all levels. I know you were apprehensive about their odd visit back in the spring. After reading this you were certainly right to feel that way.
God Bless you and Mister and I will keep you close to my heart and pray
Princess comes to her senses soon...the grass is NEVER greener on the other side and it is often
crab grass full of weeds and bugs.
Madi and Mom

marejohn said...

Oh Sweetie-it's sure not all roses nor is it greener on the other side. I'd venture to say that probably (too) many of us know (or can truly empathize) with what is happening in your life right now. Huge hugs and prayers for you and your whole family.
Hang in there kiddo! This too shall pass! (sometimes it feels like it takes forever, but it WILL pass!)

Jeanie said...

I can only imagine the world of hurt you are dealing with and pray for something positive for you soon.
I'm glad you were able to have a good get-away. I really hope there will be some sunshine coming your way.

Mari said...

Glad you were able to get out and see a place from some time ago. I always enjoy going back and reminiscing.
As for the rest - hang in there. Praying things start improving soon.

acorn hollow said...

Live is not all smiles oh I wish they were. Keeping you in my prayers raising kids are never easy no matter what.

Janie Fox said...

I have been so absent from blog reading. I am so sorry life is in the pits right now. Know that there is always a silver lining. Be grateful for the blessing of your husband. He sounds like he is a good one. Hugs friend.

Chatty Crone said...

Life is a circle and when someone is up another is down and we do have to be there for each other.

Bobbie said...

I have always loved your optimism and you handle life beautifully. You bounce back quickly and carry on... and I admire your God-given strength! Yours is one of the most fun blogs I visit and I never leave without a smile. I'm smiling now... because I know that you are going to be okay!

Mandy's Pink Home said...

Just catching up on your Blog to see if you were back and saw the Princess post...Hang in there. It is good you went out and had a nice week end though. I still remember when my eldest left home, I lost the plot and stayed in bed crying for days...Kids they are so much easier when they are younger...Lots of (((((((HUGS))))))

Abi's Blog said...

Praying for you - I can only imagine the heartache with your daughter. Your roadtrip sounds like fun though. I'm so glad you have a good husband to share your burdens and your joys.


O dear, hang in there -- this too shall pass. You are in my prayers *hugs*

nancygrayce said...

I'm afraid I've missed something along the way! I'm so sorry that things are not going well and hoping there is a major turn a round soon!

Susan said...

I just got around to reading about your situation. I'm speechless and cannot offer anything but prayers and my continuing happy, fluffy, artsy blog for you to visit whenever you want. Hugs.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I've very sorry to read that you are having some difficult days right now. I really hope that things get better for you and your hubby soon.
Thanks for your comment. I love to read blogs, too, and I stop by here often. I am trying to find a way to get more commenting done and let everyone know that I stopped by! I'm thinking maybe I "talk" too much and need to learn to shorten my comments so I get around to everyone more often! :-)

Unknown said...

Sweetie, I hope all things smooth out for you. The path of life sometimes is very crooked & it is very hard to understand.

Have a great week ~

Handsome's wife said...

I am so sorry you are going through such a difficult time. I wish I had some great words of wisdom that could help you. I can only hope that this passes for you quickly. Thinking of you.

yaya said...

You must have been living in my neighborhood of "bad days and sad blog posts"...it's OK to write about "stuff" because everyone has it...even if they don't write it. Hope things get closer to the right side of happy soon.

karen said...

One thing I've learned through the many MANY trials with our children is that 1. Children have to learn to make their own choices - hopefully they will be good ones 2. Things generally work out like they should 3. Good times always come around again 4. Should the choices be unfortunate, (or as I like to call them, "learning experiences") parents need to be ready with open arms and unconditional love.
Chin up my friend. She will realize soon enough that the grass isn't always greener... And never doubt that she loves you. Some kids just need to learn things in their own way - we have a couple of kids like this. It will get better!

KTW said...

My heart just aches for you, my friend. I can only imagine. But one thing I do know...lots of prayers are going up for you and your sweet hubby and you WILL see brighter days. (((Hugs)))

Sandra said...

I've been so busy lately, haven't had a chance to visit any blogs or get much reading done. Not sure exactly what is going on, but I'm so sorry you're "to the left of happy" :(

Praying for you and hoping things improve soon.

God Bless,

Joyce said...

I'm sorry for your pain. I think it's hard to blog when life is hammering us. We can't be cheery and pretend real life isn't going on behind the scenes. I pray you find some joy in your days and your daughter's situation is resolved in a way that brings peace to your heart.

Wild Oregonian said...

I wondered where you went last weekend. Glad it came out well. Wish I had your gumption when it comes to making food ahead!

Linda said...

I am so sorry for your pain. Hang on. Be real. And remember - "It came to pass...." It doesn't come to stay! Good or bad.....

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