Thursday, September 20, 2012

I wonder why . . .

 Oatmeal is a great diet food.
I've eaten it plain.
I've dressed it up with berries
and I've  even played mind games with myself
and pretended it's an oatmeal cookie.
But the truth is, I'm plain "burnt out" on the beige stuff.
I just can't eat another bite of this stuff for a while.

I wonder why no one ever says, 

"I'm totally burnt out on ice cream 
and can't eat another bite of this stuff!"?

Another one of life's great mysteries!



O, I KNOW why no one ever says, "I'm totally burnt out on ice cream and can't eat another bite of this stuff!" LOL I totally know what you mean about oatmeal -- it's great at first, but sometimes you just need a break from it. Or drown it with butter, cheese and chocolate or something haha

KTW said...

I like to change it up now and then so I do grits or Cream of Wheat. I know how to live life on the edge, huh? LOL! Seriously though, I am liking steel cut oats pretty well right now. Completely different texture and much better for you than rolled. They don't spike your blood sugar. :)

Susan said...

I make oat bran hot cereal and I do add salt and cheese. I've more a savory person, I suppose. I love instant grits also. Regular oatmeal and I do not get along. I also never thought that when I got older ice cream would not sit well with me. Boo and hiss. Let's just break bad and eat Nutella with a spoon.

Wild Oregonian said...

I know what you mean. I'm the same way with Special K. I'm pretty tired of that stuff with no end in sight!


Cheryl @ TFD said...

I can only eat oatmeal if it has plenty of sugar and milk on it. I might as well eat ice cream! As for me, I wonder why water can't taste as good as Pepsi. I know people who won't drink anything but water...wish I liked it as well!

Aloha Acres said...

I am so glad you are back! I love your blog post!

Bobbie said...

I never grow tired of oatmeal. I've loved it ever since I was a little girl and was totally obsessed with the Maypo commercials.
You're right... who ever gets tired of ice cream? LOL

Cheri said...

Probably because it is good for us...LOL
Isn't anything "good" for us something we tire of first before the "bad" stuff? Our mind plays tricks on us.

So glad that you are back in the blogging world.

Jeanie said...

I like my oatmeal with enough milk, butter and brown sugar that it tastes like ice cream. Eating it plain would become tiresome pretty quick for me.

Abi's Blog said...

I'm totally with you - I've never liked oatmeal in any form -but when the cardio doctor said I must have that for bkfast - YUK! I was finally able to eat it with fruit - but still - I had to force it down. Good luck!

Chatty Crone said...

Sugar is addictive and oatmeal is not - lol!

karen said...

When you find the answer, let me know... I've been wondering the same thing myself.

Unknown said...

I've actually gotten burned out on ice cream. But it was only after the 2nd or 3rd bowl...

bj said...

hahhaa, you are too cute, T.

When we first married, Mr. Sweet thought he would NEVER tire of Chocolate Pie...he could eat it morning, noon and night. When our first baby was born, my mom came over every day to help out...she made Sweet a pie every day for 2 weeks....(she lived just down the road from us). Well, Sweet though he had to eat every one of those pies, I guess, because, it wasn't too long until I noticed more and more pie was left ea time. He did, indeed, get burned out on it and doesn't care for Cho. pie to this day.
Now....COCONUT PIE is another story. :))

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