Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Seeing Green.

Do you remember a couple of weeks ago
when I posted (HERE)  about planting
seeds for spinach and lettuce?

Well, truth is this isn't my little garden.
I saw this garden yesterday when Princess
and I went to walk at a local park.
This house/garden flanked the walking path.
Admittedly, I have "Garden Envy".

Every day I check my little piece of dirt
but "nada" hint of green
is to be found.

These are the only greens at my house
at the moment.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

It was a breezy, 74* here yesterday - the perfect
day for a walk.  I enjoyed having Princess
and Boudxy join me.  What a beautiful,
mild, January day!



Shelly said...

It's great to see such a beautiful growth already in that garden. It was 78 here yesterday, so we were appreciative, too, of a mild winter day.

My Mind's Eye said...

Good luck with your garden...you know what they say a 'watched pot never boils'...LOL

Your balmy temps are reaching here today we're expecting 62-67...yesterday it was only 44. Tomorrow barely 40. Our weather roller coaster continues.
Hugs C

Marsha Young said...

Garden envy - now THAT opens up a whole new plot of worms!

Glad you are having such nice weather. It was 21 here last night, and the dog's water bowl outside froze over. Not to worry, we keep another one inside - and that is where we keep her, too. :)

Rhona said...

I'm sure your garden will be productive soon :o)
I need to start walking more but always find other things to do instead (that don't involve going outside and being energetic!)

Sush said...

See, this is what I miss about living in Louisiana. We warm up occasionally in the winter to 65 for a day or so but then get slapped back to winter reality of the 40's, 30's and so far thank goodness not yet lower this year.
waaaaaaah...I want my warmer weather ....

Anne said...

74 degrees sounds wonderful to me.It's freezing here minus 3 celsius when I drove to work this morning and its not much warmer than that now I'm home.
I'm sure your seeds wont be too long now, always assuming the birds havent eaten them!

Just Stuff From a Boomer said...

I understand garden envy. My eyes turn green too.

I am not a big fan of our hot humid summers, but I am oving my 68 temp today.

GypsyFox said...

good luck with your garden, I'm sure it will grow beautifully! Valentine's Giveaway

Anonymous said...

74 in January? OK, I'm depressed now, going to hide under the covers,, we are in another blizzard!

Jill said...

74!! Lucky you! I am missing green! Lots of rain and cold here :-( Have a great day!!


Cheri said...

I am from the north but have lived in the south for almost 6 years and yet it still boggles my mind to hear you talk about gardens and seeing greens in that garden on your walk, when up home they have SNOW!

Chatty Crone said...

What a great day and weather for you and princess! :) sandie

yaya said...

I hate you...well, not really. I'm just jealous of your weather, the garden, the walk in the park....help me, I live in weather hell...but don't worry, it changes so fast it'll be great in a few days.

Jeanie said...

I don't have garden envy, but I do have a little weather envy hearing about your 74 degrees....it will be a while before we see that.

chocolatecovereddaydreams.blogspot.com said...

I have a feeling that the greens will pop up when you least expect it. (Probably during the summer! hahaha) I love how it seems that you and Princess have such a great relationship. Homeschooling sounds like it has been a blessing for the both of you.

Aloha Acres said...

I wannna go on a walk with you! I'm So Cold! We're outside of Seattle and I'm sure you've been seeing us on every weather station you have. We may have record snowfall tomorrow.
Yikes! Say a sweet, southern prayer for me! This Mississippi girl is freakin' out!

NanaDiana said...

I always have garden envy when I see beautiful gardens...or just about any gardens. Love your weather. Wind chill right now for us is around zero...ugh- xo Diana

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