Saturday, October 15, 2011

I FOUND IT! (and follow up)


I was talking on the phone and reached down
to pick up what I thought was an earring
that Princess had dropped,

To those of you who prayed I would find it -
I must say I doubted.  I thought it was long gone.
Your faith and your prayers
enabled me to find it.
I know it was Y-O-U!!Thank you sooooo very much!!

 * * * * * * * * * * * *

Remember when I showed you
these lovely gals I found
at the Thrift store?
I promised I'd show them to
you again once I had found
them a permanent place
to roost.

I am happy to report  these girls
are doing well nested high above,
on the top of the 'fridge;
however they have yet to lay a golden egg.
Just sayin . . .

These guys have been split up
and given a temporary home -

There was already a nail in this spot
so they're hangin' out here
until I redo my bedroom and give them
a permanent home.
(forgive me Martha Stewart)

And this guy was given a make-over.

Recognize him now,
all dressed up?

I think thrift "finds" are like rescued pups,
they are happy anywhere
they find a new home.


nancygrayce said...

I knew you'd find it!!!!! So glad you did.....now keep those prongs checked! :)

Jeanie said...

Yea! Just the post I was hoping to see. I am so glad you found it.

Cheri said...

Whew...glad to hear you found your ring. That has happened to me but my diamond fell out in the grocery store and the light just caught it right that I saw it but for a split second I was sick to my stomach.

CalamityJr said...

Yippee! So glad you found your diamond, as that's such a sad thing to lose. Now you can look down at your hand and admire it every day again!

Kimmy said...

I am so thrilled that you found your diamond!! I can only imagine the sick feeling it left when you couldn't find it! Praise the good Lord!!

Love your decorating! I must say though, I wish the top of my fridge looked like that or similar cause mine is used to store cereal and such. Tiny kitchen = no storage! Boooo!!

Anonymous said...

I was just reading this out load and my husband said , thtas just like winning the lottery finding that ring,, good for you!!I love what you've done with all your finds but my fav is the the black perch for the pumpkin,, looks great!!

Sush said...

Yay...I was hoping when I saw the title that is was in reference to your diamond! I just had a very strong feeling you would find it! Yay!

Love your treasures you've given new life to. Sounds like a weekend for celebration...

The Brown Recluse (TBR) said...

Yay!!! so glad you found the ring!

Anonymous said...

Aren't you blessed?!! Things usually turn up when you don't look for them! So glad you found it!!

Unknown said...

Whew! I'm so happy that you found it. Once the diamond falls out, it is usually an impossible feat to find it but with prayer, anything is possible.

I love what you did with your thrift store finds.


PTL I am so glad you found it. Loved the thrift store finds. I love to do that too...find something....and fix it up to be cute.

Mari said...

I'm so happy you found it! Hooray. :)

Chatty Crone said...

Praise God you found your diamond! sandie

Unknown said...

Hooray! I'm so glad for you! I know your heart is relieved.

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