Monday, June 27, 2011

It's none of my business but I just have to ask. . .

I love the answers you leave each
week when I throw down a question.
Your answers are sooo interesting.

Once again -
"It's none of my business
but I just have to ask . . ."

Can you keep a secret?

When someone confides in you do you
consider it ok to tell your spouse or SO?

Is it ok to share the info with
someone who doesn't know the
person/people  involved?

When, if ever, is it ok
to share confidential


Unknown said...

I generally do tell my husband, though there are a few things I haven't told even him.

KTW said...

I'm a secret keeper. I don't take the responsibility lightly, especially if it is a very sensitive secret. Now there are some things I might tell The Hubster, but only if they are about someone or something he really knows nothing about and I just need to vent. ;)

nancygrayce said...

I tell my husband everything. BUT, he usually doesn't remember it 5 minutes later and seriously?..... he CAN keep a secret, tell him something and it never goes any further....except of course if it is something you would rather him not say, like to my sister and then he seems to repeat it! :)

But yes, I can keep a secret. Sometimes the secrets are but wrenching to keep to myself, but I can do it!

Aloha Acres said...

I also tell my husband almost everything. If I don't tell him something, it's because I either forgot, or the person asked me specifically not to tell him. (Which has only happened once, by his grandmother, who didn't want him to get his feelings hurt by something that was said by another family member)

In 25 years of knowing My Man, he's never repeated anything I've told him. Love That!

As far as everyone else in the world is concerned, I am a secret-keeper!!

Kate Spears said...

I have never been the best at keeping secrets, but I'm working on it. I know that certain things have a higher secret priority than others, so I try to zip my lips when it really matters.

Skoots1moM said...


Anonymous said...

Oh, no. I tell The Hub NOTHING. He can't keep his mouth shut. One time I told him a friend of mine had long black hairs on her big toes...bad idea. The very next time he saw her...

He is an amazing man of integrity and honor, but bless his heart, he just can't help himself if it's juicy.

Nonnie said...

I learned a hard lesson when I was 18. A friend shared a secret with me and I told a mutual friend thinking she could be trusted, but she told several people and it opened up a nasty can of worms. I hated that I had hurt someone who had trusted me.

So when somebody tells me something in confidence, I tell them I won't even mention it to my husband and, if it is a close friend, they will usually say it's ok to tell him. But, depending on what they shared with me, I still may just keep it to myself.

Just Stuff From a Boomer said...

I will keep a secret. Only once did I get a "guilt" migraine so bad I had to tell my husband. It was a biggie a girlfriend had shared and I had to tell him. I then confessed to the friend and she was ok with it. whewwww! After that... I don't tell.

Chatty Crone said...

Love your country music, love the girl blowing the tea in your header - you are my kind of friend I can tell already.

I don't tell anyone unless I ask if I can tell the family.

I am your never follower and thanks for following mine!

Thistle Cove Farm said...

If someone tells me "in confidence and that means don't tell anyone" then I don't tell anyone. Trust is a precious and rare commodity and if I want to be viewed as trustworthy, I have to be the part.
No Telling At All.

yaya said...

Hi and thanks for visiting my blog! I'll answer your question about me first...yes, I'm Greek..half Greek..my Mom is Greek and Dad was German..my Grandkiddos all call me YaYa and my hubby is PawPaw...I also really enjoy cooking Greek food. But enough about me..your blog looks so fun and I will follow! To answer your post question..well, I'm really good at keeping a secret, but many times I do tell my hubby..he's even better at keeping a secret than me! But I truly feel it's important to keep a confidence and not spread gossip. Like you said, "I"ll be baaacckk!"

Lisa Gioia-Acres said...

Even my bestest friend forever has to say, "Please don't tell" for me to make that conscious effort. It's too easy to slip with a confidence, but if I am asked not to tell, I will keep the secret. I want to be seen as trustworthy. I also want my secrets kept, so I believe in Karma. Yep, you can count on me, but make sure I know it's a secret! :-)

Lisa Gioia-Acres said...

P.S., thanks for the comment and I'm thinking of you, too! Positive Results, that's our motto!!

Mary said...

It depends on if I remember it when I'm out of that person's sight. I might tell my hubby, if I remember. :D

NanaDiana said...

I am a well of deep secrets! I never tell anyone anything that has been told to me. AND I NEVER tell MyHero anything because he is like the nightly newscast. He doesn't mean to be...but he is. I think part of it is working in a hospital you become very aware of HIPPA and a single offense of dropping someone's name or medical information results in immediate dismissal...do not pass GO..do not collect $200. You are gone!

I loved the line...IF you don't have anything nice to say..come and sit by me~ xo Diana

SouthLakesMom said...

This has been a struggle for me all my life -- never intending to, but somehow ...

But, because I am an attorney, and blowing client confidentiality is something that one can lose their license over, I've learned to keep my mouth shut. Additionally, because our Community Bible Study has to be a safe place for women to come and be in the presence of the Lord, we take confidentiality VERY seriously.

God knew exactly where to place me for a daily challenge that means I have to turn to Him to manage it!

Jeanie said...

I am pretty good about keeping a secret....I wouldn't tell anyone unless the person who told me the secret said I could tell someone.

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