Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Lucy and Ethel

My BFF and I went shopping yesterday.

We shopped.
We lost the car.
We found the car.

We shopped.
We lost the car.
We found the car.

We ate lunch.

We shopped.
We lost the car.
We found the car.

Are we the only ones
who consistently forget
where we've parked?
Just askin'. . .

"Friends don't let Friends shop alone";
especially when they can never
remember where they parked
the car.


Shelly said...

For that reason, I always park in the same spot, way out in the farthest spots. No one else parks out there, I get a few more steps in, and I always can see my white car! BTW- I LOVE Lucy and Ethel.

Melanie said...

So funny, but so glad that I am not the only one that does that!!!

Mari said...

Too funny - I do it too!

nancygrayce said...

I used to do that all the time! Then I started parking in only one place all the time! Even if I'm going to the opposite end of the mall, I still park in the S.A.M.E. place! Of course, I live in a small town and we have a small mall so it's not like I'm getting my exercise walking! :)

karen said...

No. My mother does the same thing, Lucy. Good thing you had Ethel with you so you weren't wandering alone!

Anonymous said...

well at least found it! Always great to have an adventure!!

Skoots1moM said...

it's for THAT reason i so LOVE my electronic key ;)

chocolatecovereddaydreams.blogspot.com said...

That reminds me of when my sister and I lost the car and we wandered around hitting the panic button and trying to find it. Security came by and asked if everything was okay and we were both too embarrassed to admit that we couldn't find the car. Sounds like fun...the shopping part, not the losing the car part.

yaya said...

There have been times when I thought I would have to wait until everyone went home I would just have to take whatever car was left! My fav story is about my funny Mom. She got in her car and thought someone had come in and moved the seat back because she couldn't reach the steering wheel. Yes, she was in the right car...she just had gotten into the back seat!

Shirley Sue said...

LOL that was a very Lucy and Ethel day. So funny, but only because I can relate so well to it. Glad you made it home safe and sound.

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

I once reported my car stolen. I just misplaced it. RED face let me tell you. I cried all over the place.

Mandy's Pink Home said...

Hahahaha I'm sure this could only happen to you... I don't lose my car I just try to get into cars that aren't mine and wonder why they won't open.

BARBIE said...

Oh yes, I lose my car too. And, some days, I walk out of a store and forget where I am. Am I losing my mind?

Marsha Young said...

You are NOT alone in the universe. Just this week, I had to resort to using that annoying alarm on my key remote to tell me where I had left the darned car.

Don't you just hate when that happens? :)

Just Stuff From a Boomer said...

I pay more attention to where I've left my car when I'm alone. With someone, I'm too busy talking.. I've learned to look now. Of course, it's taken 40 years for me to learn this.

Joy Tilton said...

You are hilarious! Yes, I DO lose the car... a lot these days! I use my remote as I walk the parking lots. I think "I know I parked here!" We had a rainy week too, really needed it since we had a dry winter (what winter?)Spring showers or no showers here in Arkansas!

Chatty Crone said...

You are soooooooooooooooo funny and how nice to have a best friend like that! sandie

Jill of All Trades said...

So funny!!! I love Lucy & Ethel!

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