Thursday, January 19, 2012

Not for the faint of heart!

After going with Princess yesterday to get her driver's license, we came home to find this


I called Mr. who was only 5 min. from home.
Then I stood and stared at the snake so in case he moved (the snake, not Mr.) I would know where he had gone.  Mr. came home,  killed and disposed of the unwanted houseguest. 
Mr. is a Rock Star!"
I was jittery and jumpy all evening.  I even had to wait a bit to collect myself before I could go back into the kitchen again.

Later I was relaxing in the recliner and Mr. came through and tossed this into my lap -

my faux snake skin bracelet!
It startled me.
I freaked!!!!!

"Mr. is no longer a Rock Star!"

* * * * * * * * * * * *
Note:  We live in Louisiana and we live
near a bayou.  We have no idea
how the snake got inside unless he
somehow managed to slither in
when I was painting the front door
last week.  Not sure what type of snake
it was but from the marking on it's head
Mr. feels it was a poisonous snake.
This has caused me to go beyone jittery into
a full blown PANIC mode.
What's a girl to do?


GypsyFox said...

o wow I would have freaked to, my Mr. would have come to my rescue as well & he woud also throw a fauz snake skin bracelet on me too!! ha MEN. p.s. I have been wanting to go to Louisiana for years!

Anonymous said...

I would be hoping it doesn't have a mate that came in with it!!!
OK< my husband says they travel alone so no need to worry, of course what do we know, the only snakes we have way up north here are garter snakes, helpless harmless ones, you see the deep freaking snow chases all the snakes away!! Please be safe, I have the chills foryou, I would be wearing rubber boots for the next while inside,

NanaDiana said...

Oh-I can't stand snakes...they just creep me out. I would have been freaked, too. I'm pretty sure that it might be legal in Louisiana to smother a spouse in his sleep that scared you with anything related to snakes. You might just want to check local ordinances first though. xo Diana

Skoots1moM said...

so glad he was able to 'take care' of him...
i've found copperheads in my yard before and i wasted no time...the shovel made quick pieces out of them
so glad no one was hurt
beware of ALL triangular heads...
...and the bracelet would have made me 'rise up' out of that chair for sure!

Joyce said...

I would have completely.freaked.out. Seriously.

Mari said...

Yeek! I would have freaked too!

Shelly said...

We had a baby cottonmouth in our kitchen a few years ago. SERIOUSLY freaked me out! Still don't know how it got in. Glad your Mister was there to dispose of it~

Linda said...

I know what I would do!!
"When in trouble - when in doubt -
Run in circles - scream and SHOUT!"
Works for me......

Abi's Blog said...

I know just how you felt! I found a snake in my bathroom on the counter - his tail was hanging over the drawer! It was quite an experience - then a couple of years later almost stepped on a little one in the hall - HELP!

Aloha Acres said...

Panic is right! I don't know what I would have done. Apparently, the Mr. has a sense of humor, huh? Will he ever use it again? LOL

Nonnie said...

And I was hoping that you would have the solution to this problem! This snake bears a very striking resemblance to the one that got in our house last summer. It gives me the heebie-jeebies because what if it hides someplace before I see it???? I am so thankful that you got home just when you did and Mr. Rock Star was close enough to come to your rescue. I'm not sure you could have followed that critter all over the house!

(Mr. Rock Star does deserve a few de-merits for the bracelet gag.)

Jill said...

Oh my! I've been here too! I live in the suburbs and a snake was curled up in my foyer one morning too! I also called my husband to come get it and while I waited for him it slithered into my den!! Aaghh luckily we found him..ewwwww

Bracelet...that was so not nice! LOL


My Mind's Eye said...

OH MY WORD!! Bless your heart...I would have needed the EMS after seeing that in my house!! I don't mean to scare you but I think I'd call an exterminator to check out the house.

Bad mister for teasing you with the bracelet. Does he know who makes his toast and butters it for him?
Hugs C

chocolatecovereddaydreams.blogspot.com said...

I'm totally afraid of snakes and won't even look at them at the zoo or pet store without getting creeped out. So, I can't even begin to think what I would do if I were in your shoes. Forget standing there...I would've dialed 911 and left the house until IT was captured. (Praying that he isn't a she with little babies.)

Cheri said...

The house would have been up for sale if it was me. I would not be able to sleep. You are a braver woman than me.

Sush said...

As long as that snake is dead Mr still gets Rock Star status in my book!
The first weekend we arrived in NC we were all playing outside. My sons were jumping on the trampoline when they spotted a snake...it was coming from a woodpile. Turns out there were THREE copperheads. Hubby did his thing and chopped their heads of with the hoe. I was ready to pack it all up and return to the huge flying cockroaches in LA.
Challenges everywhere...

Kimmy said...

OMGosh!!!! I hate snakes!!!! I would have been jumpy too! Geez...makes you wonder how long it was in your house....and where it was the whole time....and if it ever came to visit you while you slept...lol! Sorry. lol

Gives me tyhe heebie jeebies! We've never had a snake in our house but we have had black widows in here and that ALONE freaks me OUT! OH. HECK. NOOOOO!!! My other concern here is scorpions. My town is a bunch of sand (as I've previously mentioned to you) so it's been known that people have found scorpions out here. Fortunately, I've never come across one. THANK GOODNESS!!!

Cindy said...

Oh I would have freaked, and my husband would have done the same as yours. I have always said I would rather have an elephant run through my house than a snake, at least I would know where the elephant was. good luck to you, I hope this was just a once in a lifetime happening for you. be well.

Unknown said...

I would have FREAKED! I probably won't have been so brave to stay and take a picture of your critter in the kitchen.. Glad MR came to the rescue!

Lisa said...

Oh my gosh! Years ago, we found a baby snake in one of the kid's bathrooms. We figured out (eventually) that there was a small gap near the faucet in the tub and figured that he had crawled through the plumbing. I was a wreck for months afterwards so I can only imagine how you feel. Yikes!!

Have you been scattering mothballs everywhere?

Janie Fox said...

oh dang I will have nightmares! I would have died on the spot. died.

Carla said...

i'll be wearing my shoes to bed in case I have to get up during the night. Ugh.

yaya said...

Ahhhhh!! That is creepy and icky and now I know why I live up North. I was jealous of your warm weather the other day...now I'm going to shut my mouth and quit complaining. I'm glad you found it in plain sight and not hiding in your bed!

Bobbie said...

***SCREAM**** !!! I have had nightmares similar to your real life experience. Oh my!! Maybe Mr. Snake came by to visit the remains of what he thought might be his long lost relative (bracelet) or maybe not.
I. would. not. be. able. to. sleep. at. night.

Rick Watson said...

The picture is a bit dark, but it looks like a cottonmouth which indeed is poisonous.
That took some guts to toss a snake skin bracelet in you lap. Does he enjoy the taste of Kibbles and Bits. That's what I eat when I'm in the doghouse :)

Chatty Crone said...

I might leave my house and never come back! I get so scared of snakes and I know my daughter and grandson would freak out too. Your husband is a real hero. And a commodian not a comedian - but you got to take the good with the bad!

I am so sorry!


Just Stuff From a Boomer said...

OH. MY. GOODNESS. And I thought a little green lizard getting inside was something. I would be freaking out oo. No, it's nest not to think about it too much. I have a big imagination. So glad your hero came to the rescue, but he lost his cape when he threw your bracelet on you. He has to turn in his Hero card for that.

karen said...

We don't have many poisonous snakes around here. Rattlers if any at all. So I've never been really afraid of snakes. But if I lived where you do, I'd be terrified. Mr is awesome but he has a mean streak.

bj said...

I would have to move.

Mary said...

EEEEWWWWW! Are you still on the lookout for more, 'cause I would be! (Just to give you something to think about!)

Annesphamily said...

I do not like snakes! Ugh! I would just die if I found one in my house! Glad you got rid of the intruder!

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