Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Random Dozen

Once again joining in the fun
of "Random Dozen".

1. Have you ever fired a gun or shot a bow and arrow?
    No and No; but I have a curling iron and I'm not
    afraid to use it.

2. Do you know where your childhood best friends are?
     A few,
     the rest are in the Witness Protection Program.

3. Do you usually arrive early, late, or on time?
    Late to church (EV-ER-Y Sunday)
    Early to give birth.
    On time for dinner.   

4. Are you more of a New York or California type?
    California - I'm casual all the way
                      and I LOVE warm weather.

5. Do you have a special ring tone?
    No.  I'm not even close to being
    that cool.   

6. What is your favorite type of chip?        
          Lay's BBQ ruffle chip!!!!

7. Best comedy you've ever seen is ....
    Love anything with Steve Martin
     or Billy Crystal.

8. Have you ever cut your own hair? To quote Dr. Phil, "How'd that work for ya?"
    "don't ask.  don't tell"

9. If you were going to have an extreme makeover, would you rather it be about your house or your personal self?  ME!  It's all about me. 

10. Are you allergic to anything?
      Lots of skin allergies, the most annoying is my allergy to Lyrcra/Spandex.  I would love to wear Spanx but that's a No-No for me.  Even bras make me itch (lycra).  Panties have to be 100% cotton.
     I'm such a Sexy Diva in all my cotton glory.

11. Why is it so hard to change?
       Change what?
       a diaper? - I can do that.
       a tire? - Nope.
       my teenagers attitude?  R U kidding?!

12. One last question dedicated to February love: CS Lewis said, "To love is to be vulnerable." Please share one example of that assertion or share any thought you'd like to about this topic.
What?  I thought "love meant never having to say your sorry"?  Am I the only one who remembers this movie?

Thanks for stopping by!
~Sweet Tea


Unknown said...

I would have to answer "don't ask. don't tell" as well. My daughter, the licensed cosmetologist gets on me all the time for cutting my own hair.

I love Lays potato chips too!!

Angie said...

# 1 - cute!

# 2 - I was going to say prison, but then I thought someone might take me seriously. WPP - better.

# 3 - lol.

# 7 - We quote The Three Amigos around here.

You should try out for the cotton commercials.

# 11 - so with ya'!

Pam from alertandorientedx4 said...

#11...mom to 4 teens...I hear you sister!
and you have to try Lays Limon....it's the grown women's crack...

BARBIE said...

Come to remember, I think I cut my sister's hair when I was little and I don't think I saw daylight for a week! Thanks for making me laugh again with your answers!

SouthLakesMom said...

Love the curling iron comment! It helped get me going this morning! Have a great day.

CosmoGirl Carla said...

Very funny! I enjoyed this post. And I wanted to thank you, Deb, for stopping by yesterday. I was in a major funk for sure, but I think I've snapped out it. Today's looking better already . . . except for more snow coming tomorrow. OYE!!! You're right, I'm in deep need of lots of warm sunshine.

Have a great day!

Jill said...

Very creative answers! So funny.

Anything Fits A Naked Man said...

LOVE STORY!! Sappiest movie EVER!! LOVE it! This was so much fun, Sweet Tea! Thanks so much for sharing it! I feel so much closer to you now!

CeeCee said...

Funny Funny answers! #1, #2, #3, and #11 cracked me up. Have a great day!

Joyce said...

I hate to say it but I remember the movie....where do I begin...to tell the story of how great a love can be? Oh great theme song!

Loved your answer to #11!

KTW said...

Thoroughly enjoyed this! :) Thanks for the giggle this morning. I needed that!

Unknown said...

I remember that movie--sat in the balcony and held hands with my beau du jour. Love love love reading more about you!

momof3girls said...

too funny!! I will be on the watch out for you swinging your curling iron!

Susan said...

Oh yes, I so thought of the quote "LOve means never having to say you're sorry" when I read that question too. And all I could hear was my Mother telling me in the 1970's---that is the stupidest quote ever! You absolutely have to learn to say you're sorry! A lot! :-)

Your answers made me laugh. Glad I got to "meet you" through RD.


Mocha with Linda said...

Your answers made me laugh, especially the first 5.

And though I never saw the movie, I remember the song "Love Means You Never Have to Say You're Sorry" - and my mom had the same reaction as Joyce's mom!

Sit A Spell said...

Love sweet tea so had to pop by...

What a fun post...I might have to join in on this crazy random thing y'all are doing! ; )

Sit A Spell said...

OH...just saw your Southern map...love it. I grew up in the South and have returned to The South(or is it)...according to YOUR map...I think I am barely there...north of Orlando. Whew. Glad to know I AM in THE SOUTH.

Unknown said...

You are SO funny!!!! OMgosh i loved these

nancygrayce said...

Oh, I remember the movie!!! I don't really carry a gun! But I can! :) I won't because I'm afraid I'd shoot myself! Thanks for dropping by to visit!

Skoots1moM said...

curling iron...lol!!!
Lay's BBQ ruffles sound good
Billy Crystal & Robin Williams crack me up bouncing off each other with their quick lines :)
Cotton glory...love it!
So remember that movie...'never having to say you're sorry' always seemed too easy
great answers :)

Amy said...

Love your blog, and your answers!! Thanks for stopping by I'll visit again soon.


Unknown said...

I am loving the witness protection thing...and the curling iron--well, I'll have to remember that if someone breaks into my house! ;-)

Nel said...

Still laughing at your answers. You know you can do some damage with a curling iron! You are too funny. And yes I remember that movie too. Good answers.

until next time... nel

Cathy said...

Fun answers!

foxy said...

I can be on time for everything else, but somehow, I'm always late for church too. What up with that?


I love the number two answer...funny thing...I went to school with a guy....his dad turned states evidence against the Miami mafia....and the family disappeared....it was as if they never existed. I love California...over NY too. I love the beach.

Bonnie said...

Your answers are hilarious! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am now a follower! :)

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