Thursday, January 14, 2010

Company's Coming

Company is coming for dinner!
10 of my great girlfriends who work with me on the "Woman to Woman" Team at our church, will be my guests.  My hubby put 2 leafs in the table last night so the dining room will be filled with friends, just the way I like it.  Here's what's for dinner. . .

"Lazy Girls' Lasagna"




Dinner Rolls

for Dessert

Peach Cobbler ala'mode

Then of course the Louisiana gal who writes the
"Sweet Tea" Blog . . .

Must serve LOTS of Sweet Tea!!

Now, if only my good Bloggy friend,
Mid-Atlantic Martha were here
to set me a beautiful table.
"Yoo - Hoo!  Martha!"

Just wondering. . .
Do you like to have friends to your home for dinner?
What's your favorite part?
Least favorite part?

My favorite - preparing the meal
Least favorite - preparing the house.

Gotta run - Lots to do!


Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

Oh my! Aren't you just the sweetest thing? Now -- I would just love to come and play in your dishes -- and lasagna is my favorite! Oh, if we were close neighbors I would run right over! Thanks for making me smile today.

Unknown said...

What time is dinner? ;-)
I don't like having people over, but hubby does, so as my aunt would say, we go round and round about it. I don't like to cook and always feel like the house has to be perfect. It's a lot of stress--or at least I put a lot of stress on myself. If I could only remember that the people are coming to see ME (hopefully) and not to critique my house!

Maria said...

There are some lucky ladies there tonight!! I LOVE to set my table with my finest dishes, but I hate all the "house cleaning" chores, lol.
Nothing like a good girls night/day/brunch/breakfast!

Robin said...

I would LOVE to have people over, but for right now, I can't even see the top of my dining room table. Hubby has been working on my cabinets for the dining room since we moved in 2 years ago, and still hasn't finished....so I am anxiously waiting for that to be done so I can have my table back!

In my old house, we NEVER had visitors, but that is definitely something I want to change in 2010!


Robin :o)

Susan said...

Your menu sounds marvelous. I'm not one to have parties and haven't had anyone over for a big meal for about 8 years. I currently don't even have enough plates and such for a party. I do make sure all my meals for the hubby and I are quite visually pleasing, as well as tasty. I'm more of a "make extra cookies" type, that I can send to friends and neighbors throughout the year.

chocolatecovereddaydreams.blogspot.com said...

I am a nurturer at heart so cooking and having guests over is something I truly enjoy. But, it is a lot of work because I tend to want things to be near perfect which does become stressful.

I wish I lived closer...your dinner looks so good!

Jill of All Trades said...

We have company more at the cabin than the house in town and I love to have people over. I love to plan and fix the food but really hate the cleanup. Love to try new stuff on people, captive audience so to speak.

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