Saturday, January 25, 2014

How "Normal" is your guy?

Did any of you see the segment on the Today show, "How Normal Are You?".  Interesting.  It was all based on a survey by Esquire magazine and was intended for men.  Interesting.  I doubt that Mister would even bother to take the quiz, so being the  wife that really enjoys this type of thing   I was happy to take it in his place and do my best to answer as I thought he would.  His result was:

You’re barely Normal!

In some ways you’re just like 
everybody else, but just one 
or two more atypical behaviors 
and you’d find yourself 
squarely in the Weird Camp.

I guess that means we're a good match, which is a good thing to know after 43 years of marriage, doncha think?!  I think we're both probably "barely normal" and I consider that to be a good thing, just sayin...

If you want to take the quirky quiz for your guy you can find it HERE.

*You can file this under "fun stuff for a winter's day".


Wild Oregonian said...

As a lucky lady, married to a barely normal (and extremely amazing) Cavitt man, I feel comfortable saying that normal is overrated. :)

NanaDiana said...

Headed over to see the quiz. xo Diana

Tammy said...

Sounds like you got a good guy and who cares if he's quirky or whatever the quiz said, I swear those quizzes can't begin to know what a good man or woman is. After 43 years was it - I'd say you got a good one. Hugs

Nonnie said...

I did not have to take a test to know my guy is barely normal, (but I did). Sometimes he is way "out there" and life has been a wild and crazy, unpredictable and yet predictable journey with him. Glad to know I'm not the only one. We are the lucky ones.

Jeanie said...

Normal, weird or somewhere in between-if it has lasted for 43 years you've got yourself a good man.

yaya said...

Ok, that was fun! Now, because I answered the questions, he's normal..however, maybe he should take the quiz! Or maybe, they should ask different questions! Anyway, I don't think anyone is "normal"..I think we all have our quirks and thank goodness because it would sure be boring if we all were the same! Have a good, normal, week!

karen said...

It said my husband was the most normal of the normal. Maybe I didn't answer it correctly...
And the black tie wedding? I've never been to anything that fancy either. I'll try to sneak a few pics if I can avoid looking gauche. Don't want to look like a hobo amidst all the society types!

SouthLakesMom said...

Normal as defined by Esquire Magazine doesn't give me a lot of hope for the future!

I'm glad all your abnormalness is shared!

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