Saturday, January 28, 2012

Are you as Smart as a 16 yr Old?

When Rachel Ray interviews her guests she often asks them
the question, "If you could go back in time and
give advice to yourself when you were 16
what advice would you give?"

It's a bit of a complicated question but when
I think of it I quickly think of things
I wish someone would have told me
when I was 16.

  1. Have more Fun.  You'll never again be as free of responsibility in your entire life. 
  2. Revel in your beauty.  It's a gift of youth, and it will fade.
  3. Don't be shy.  Jump right into the middle of things - everyone is learning at this time.
  4. Realize that boys are just as nervous and curious about girls as you are about boys.
  5. Try new things.  Some great times are found outside one's Comfort Zone.
  6. Stand up for yourself.  Sometimes it is necessary.
  7. Take notice of your parents and remember them as they are now.  They are in their prime and you will cherish these memories some day.
  8. Erase "fear" from your vocabulary.
  9. Take time to learn some basic life skills at home, ie do the laundry, simple cooking, etc.
  10. Not everyone is meant to be your friend.  Don't waste time trying to make someone who doesn't like you (girls & boys) change their mind. 
  11. Be discreet with your heart - some people will not keep your secrets.
  12. Drive carefully.
  13. Honor God.  You'll  never regret doing this.
  14. Look around you and learn from other peoples mistakes.
  15. Break a few rules so you will learn the importance of boundaries.
Please feel free to add to my list by way of your comments.  There is so much more that could be added.  I always enjoy your wisdom.  Thanks for sharing!


Kimmy said...

WAIT until until your married! It will relieve unneeded stress and arguments in the future! Or better yet.....keep your mouth shut!! No....WAIT!!!

NanaDiana said...

What a wonderful list! I think one of the big ones is to learn to forgive people even if it doesn't seem possible.

And, at 16, teenagers can be so cruel to each other and I think if you could just know that a lot of times that cruelty is born out of other's own insecurities and is not about "us", at all.

Great post! xo Diana

Anonymous said...

there's nothing I can think to add, great list!

Jeanie said...

I'm sure there a lot of much more thoughtful things I needed to know at 16, but the first thing that comes to mind is-when you put a car in reverse don't forget to look behind you.

Susie said...

My gosh, what a question. I would probably say to that young stupid girl(me)...use your sense of humor, stand your ground, and please don't get married so young and start having babies. But then would I have had my beautiful daughters? They are my best gifts. xoxo, Susie

Journey said...

Great post!! And well thought out answers. Add smile, breath and treasure every moment!

Handsome's wife said...

Great list!

Shelly said...

That's a terrific list, and one that every 16 year old should read.

Nel said...

What a great question and list of answers. The only thing I could think of is Enjoy Life...You only have one and it goes by quickly!And maybe ask questions and listen to the stories about older relatives...learn about genealogy!
Great post...thought provoking!
until next time... nel

KTW said...

I do believe I will have my 14 year old read this list. Perhaps I'll print it out for her and just leave it on her bed so she can stash it with her 'important things' and look at it from time to time. I wish I'd had such a list at that age. :) Great post, my friend.

yaya said...

Well, like most 16yr olds I thought I knew it all! If I thought I would listen to my old self I would say: "Kiss each knee every morning because someday you won't be able to reach them"

karen said...

Well, I was really good at #15... I can see by your comments that we're not so different from each other, and probably most people. I think the hardest thing to realize is that most people are worried about themselves - they're not watching you at all - so don't worry so much about every little thing. Just relax, learn, have fun, ENJOY! Great list.

Chatty Crone said...

I wish that I had tried to remember more things myself.
Take notice of your parents and remember them as they are now. They are in their prime and you will cherish these memories some day.
I don't know where I was back then!


Mary said...

You hit the nail on the head with those! Where were you when I was 16? I could've used these! :)

Alexandra Bee Blog said...

This is a fabulous list!! I love it! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Robin said...

Wonderful list!! I wish I had this list when I was 16!!!

My Mind's Eye said...

Oh my your list is pretty darn complete.
I might add don't wish your life away. Always saying when I'm 21...I'll do thus and so. Seems between 16 and 21 the years flew. I should have enjoyed them more.
Hugs C

Rick Watson said...

Wow! Excellent list. But in all honesty, I thought I knew everything at 16 and probably would not have listened....even to older self :)
Some things can only be taught in time.

Joanna Jenkins said...

Number 6 should be in capital letters!

nancygrayce said...

Never neglect your friends for a boy.....if he can't fit in with your group, you'll never fit in with HIM.

And leave the sex alone until your married. That way you can marry because you want to and not because you have to! :)

Mandy's Pink Home said...

O God 16 I'm trying to forget that year....So is my Mum...hahahah

SZM said...

Okay, awesome list! Nice to meet ya, Sweet Tea! And yep, my Emeril meal was free! Holla!

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